The Neshanock Base Ball Club of Flemington plays by 19th Century rules, uses authentic replicas of 19th Century equipment and wears 19th Century uniforms. As was the custom in the mid-19th Century, we do not wear gloves - all fielders play barehanded!

We are a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization that looks to inform the general public on the roots of our National Pastime. Think of us as something like Civil War reenactors, except we use bats and balls instead of rifles and bayonets, and the games are real.
The original Neshanock club was established in July 1866 and comprised mainly of the town’s prominent constituents. The President was George F. Crater, owner of Crater’s Hotel, which was on the spot of what is now the Union Hotel. Some other notable members were E. Vosseller (VP and short stop), R. S. Kuhl (Captain) and E. Page Southwick (Secretary and catcher).
The Neshanock were apparently not very skilled ballists and often lost to their chief rivals, the Lambertville Logan, by the not-very-competitive scores of 77-25 and 71-47. Unfortunately, no records of the Neshanock are apparent after August 1867.
Today’s Neshanock were re-established in 2001 by Brad “Brooklyn” Shaw, proudly reviving the original name of the team (but hopefully not imitating their base ball skills).
2024 was a great year, and 2025 will be most splendiferous!

Love baseball? Love history?
Join the Neshanock! We are always looking for new players!
Please contact us at
For problems or questions regarding this website, contact 'Brooklyn' at neshanock@gmail.com.